


To be eligible to graduate, you must complete a graduation application, and 申请前 的最后期限. 检查 CCS校历 以预定毕业学期的公布截止日期为准.


研究生s participating in Commencement ceremonies are required to purchase regalia through the CCS书店 (通过 学校精神 选项卡.) Students will be responsible for ordering their regalia online from 2024年9月3日至10月11日. 24小时在线订购.

Students must apply for graduation through the Registrar’s Office to be confirmed for degree/program completion and/or to participate in Commencement ceremonies.

关于毕业申请或文凭的问题, can be directed to the Registrar’s Office during business hours, 9 am – 4 pm; 313-664-7672; (电子邮件保护).

关于王权的问题 can be directed to the 学生事务 Office during business hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., 313.664.7879 or (电子邮件保护).




开放: 待定
仪式开始: 待定

研究生s are to arrive 2 hours prior to the start of Commencement for rehearsal.

Doors will open 1 hour prior to the start of Commencement for guests. 仪式持续大约一个小时. 毕业生被要求在整个毕业典礼上留下. 所有三岁及以上的客人都需要购票.



可在场地内或附近停车. 客人应该提前支付停车费. 鼓励拼车.


五月毕业生, each graduate is presented with a diploma cover during the Commencement ceremony to mark the occasion. 文凭 will be available for pick up in person in the Yamasaki Building on the Ford campus. If not picked up they will be mailed within six weeks after the Commencement ceremony to the address provided on the graduation application.

12月份的毕业生, each graduate is presented with a diploma cover during the Commencement ceremony to mark the occasion. The official diploma will be mailed to the address provided on the graduation application in late January.

持有帐户的学生将不获发文凭(见 通知 在自助.)

关于文凭和证书的问题, 或要求更换文凭或证书, 可致电注册主任办公室313-664-7672或 (电子邮件保护).

标记(帽 & 礼服):订购 & 回收


9月3日至10月11日 24小时在线订购.
研究生s participating in Commencement ceremonies are required to purchase regalia through the CCS书店 (通过 学校精神 选项卡).


11月25日至12月10日: 周一至周五,上午9点.m. – 4 p.m.
接机地点: 学生事务 Office (2nd Floor); Yamasaki Building; Ford 校园

关于王权的问题 can be directed to the 学生事务 Office during business hours, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 313.664.7879 or (电子邮件保护).

回收你的徽章(第2章 & 礼服)

考虑回收你的饰物. 将徽章放入注明“徽章捐赠”的袋子中. Attn: 学生事务” and drop off to any CCS 校园 安全 location, 部门项目经理或校园办公室.

在努力保持绿色校园, all 创意学院 graduates will be wearing environmentally conscious GreenWeaver® regalia, 美国制造.

This line of graduation wear is made of fabric spun from molten plastic pellets produced from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles.

Each year in the US more than 35 billion plastic water bottles are thrown away, 足够绕地球四圈. 大多数最终被填埋或焚化, 数百万人在美国街头乱扔垃圾, 公园, 和水路.

With an average of 25 plastic bottles being used to produce your cap and gown; you are helping to ensure a cleaner, 为我们的星球创造更健康的未来.

每位毕业生将为他们的客人获得10张门票. 毕业的学生不需要门票参加典礼. Please plan to distribute tickets to guests ahead of time; graduates will not be able to meet guests at the entrance to give them tickets. 也没有意愿赎回期权. 门票将在领取学位帽和学位服时发放.


五月毕业生, a reception offering a preview of the 学生展览 will take place following the ceremony. 研究生s are welcome to bring their Commencement guests to the campus for a reception and Exhibition preview. 招待会不需要门票.

12月份的毕业生仪式结束后将举行招待会. 详情有待公布. 招待会不需要门票.



If a graduate has a mobility impairment (wheelchair, crutches, etc.) or is hearing impaired, please notify the 学生事务 Office during business hours, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., at 313.664.7879 or (电子邮件保护).


CCS and the venue hosting Commencement do not provide wheelchairs for guests. Guests with mobility limitations or who have difficulty walking are encouraged to bring their own wheelchair.

Guests arriving in a wheelchair should ask a venue usher for assistance to the designated seating area. Every effort will be made to try and seat guests together; however, 可供使用的座位有限, 由于空间限制, an escort may not be able to accompany the guest to the special seating area.

CCS anticipates that Commencement ceremonies will be live streamed when available. A link will be available through the venue’s website at the start time on the day of the ceremony.  聚会地点 limitations may impact CCS’s ability to offer a live streaming option.


急救在所有仪式中都是可用的. Please contact a staff member and/ or venue usher if assistance is needed.


CCS anticipates that Commencement ceremonies will be live streamed when available. A link will be available through the venue’s website at the start time on the day of the ceremony.  聚会地点 limitations may impact CCS’s ability to offer a live streaming option. 欢迎客人使用个人设备进行直播.


参观 CCS书店 (通过 学校精神 选项卡) or in person, to purchase diploma frames, class rings and alumni merchandise.

创意学院 书店 is located in the Taubman Center (TC) (460 W Baltimore, 底特律, MI 48202) 313.664.1160. 访问CCS书店网站几个小时. Street parking or the CCS parking structure is located across the street from the TC.


